About a month since the last post, my days at TOPIA: Cheongju have begun to feel like an exaggerated South Korean version of The Office. Previously on Lily Internationally, there was a head teacher who took his rage about customer service out on me; since then, I've talked to the homeroom teachers more about their bratty kids, cleaned the classrooms more regularly, and stayed in them until the bell rings even if I'm just standing at the ghetto podium watching the kids play tag.
We've had two new hires - Saerom and Jane. Sean, who's been here for maybe three months, picked up and left. Today, another week of debate competition starts, with the resolutions "Torture is sometimes acceptable" and "Television today is too violent." Mina, who was hired a week after myself, had to move her desk next to mine. At this very moment, I'm typing this blog entry on one of the academy's brand spanking new computers - paid for with money that the owner could have used for our overtime hours.
Speaking of overtime, we all came in at 9:40am on Thursday to stand around at a seminar so we can greet parents. The dress code was semi formal or formal black. The 25th of this month, I have to show up at 10:30am to correct speaking and listening tests. Did I mention that overtime is not assumed or promised for any of these hours? By the way, we all came in today for the debate competition classes to find out that they haven't planned the new schedule yet - which is why I have the time to write this post. Small silver lining.